
Should Small Businesses Work with Influencers?

Should Small Businesses Work with Influencers?

Should Small Businesses Work with Influencers?
byRichard McBeathon Apr 1, 2024
Content Marketing

Can leveraging influencers really amplify a small business's reach and credibility? In a market where consumers are bombarded with advertisements, influencer marketing stands out as a fresh way to engage potential customers. But is it the right move for small businesses?

Understanding Influencer Marketing and Its ROI

Influencer marketing isn't just about celebrities endorsing products—it's a strategic approach to outreach that leverages the followings of individuals with influence over potential buyers. Unlike traditional ads, influencer marketing feels more personal and authentic. This authenticity can translate into significant returns: Influencer Marketing Hub reports that brands see an ROI of $5.78 for every dollar spent on influencers.

The effectiveness of influencer marketing is clear when compared to traditional methods. According to Statistica, 60% of marketers recognize its higher ROI. This data indicates a shift in how businesses should approach their marketing budgets, particularly small businesses looking for cost-effective strategies with high return potential.

The Influence of Founders on Consumer Behavior

A founder's presence can be a powerful draw for consumers. A survey by PwC suggests a strong link between a founder's social media presence and consumer purchasing decisions, with 77% of consumers more likely to buy from a company whose founder is active online. For small businesses, this means that the personal brand of the owner can significantly impact the company’s appeal. When combined with influencer partnerships, this can create a compelling narrative that resonates with the target audience.

The Growing Market of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing isn't just a passing trend—it's a strategy that's here to stay and grow. Later predicts the value of influencer marketing will reach $22.2 billion by 2025. For small businesses, this projection underscores the importance of considering influencer collaborations as a long-term investment rather than a quick fix.

The Case for Small Businesses and Influencer Collaborations

Small businesses often question whether influencer marketing is within their reach. The truth is, the scalability of influencer partnerships makes them accessible to businesses of all sizes. Apple Crider, COO of Creators Agency, share that: 

"Small businesses should definitely consider working with influencers that match the business's size and scale. He adds, It's crucial to know your goals going into these partnerships. Are you aiming for brand awareness, or is it more about user acquisition?"

This advice, coming from an experienced COO like Apple Crider, emphasizes the necessity for small businesses to align their marketing goals with the right type of influencer. Whether it's a local celebrity or a niche content creator, the key is to find someone whose audience intersects with the business's target market.

Choosing the Right Influencer for Your Small Business

When selecting an influencer, it's not just about the number of followers—it's about engagement and relevance. To maximize the impact of an influencer partnership, small businesses should look for influencers who:

  • Have an audience that aligns with their target demographic.
  • Share similar values and aesthetics to create a cohesive brand message.
  • Demonstrate high engagement rates with their followers, indicating a loyal and attentive audience.

By carefully vetting potential influencers for these qualities, small businesses can ensure that their marketing messages are being heard by the right people.

Setting Clear Goals and Measuring Success

Before diving into influencer marketing, it's essential to set clear goals. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, or boost sales? Once objectives are defined, you can measure success using metrics like engagement rates, conversion rates, and overall sentiment towards your brand.

It's also important to recognize the challenges small businesses might face in measuring the success of influencer campaigns. Limited resources can make it difficult to track every metric, but focusing on the most relevant ones can provide a clear picture of the campaign's effectiveness.

By setting specific goals and understanding how to measure their attainment, small businesses can confidently invest in influencer marketing and reap the benefits of this dynamic strategy.

Actionable Steps for Small Business Influencer Marketing

Small businesses can approach influencer marketing with a pragmatic and methodical strategy. Begin by setting a realistic budget that aligns with your marketing goals and the scale of the influencer's reach. Don't be afraid to negotiate terms that benefit both parties, such as performance-based incentives that align the influencer's success with your own.

When drafting a contract, clearly outline expectations for both sides, including content creation, posting schedules, and communication protocols. This ensures a smooth partnership and helps avoid misunderstandings down the road.

Co-creating content with influencers not only saves resources but also ensures that the promotional material is authentic to the influencer's style, which their audience trusts. Remember, collaboration is a two-way street that requires ongoing communication. Regular check-ins can lead to improved strategies and a stronger partnership overall.


Influencer marketing offers small businesses an opportunity to expand their reach, enhance their credibility, and drive sales in an increasingly competitive market. A well-chosen influencer can act as a trusted intermediary, introducing their engaged audience to a brand they might love but have yet to discover.

However, influencer marketing isn't a silver bullet. It requires careful planning, from choosing the right influencer and setting clear goals to measuring the outcomes and iterating on the strategy. When executed thoughtfully, the potential benefits far outweigh the risks.

By embracing influencer marketing, small businesses can tap into a community of potential customers in a way that feels personal and genuine. With the influencer market projected to grow, now is the time for small businesses to explore this dynamic marketing avenue.

From the Experts

Apple Crider avatar
Apple Crider 

COO, Creators Agency

 "Small businesses should definitely consider working with influencers. It usually makes the most sense to pair up with influencers that match the business's size and scale. So, if you're a Fortune 500 company, aim to collaborate with top-tier influencers, the big names in the creator world. But if you're running a small, local mom-and-pop shop, look for local talent. There are plenty of local influencers around you. Think about well-known figures in your community, like the star quarterback at the nearby college. These individuals can be super effective for your brand. Now, if you're a larger business or a startup, that middle tier of creators can be a perfect fit. No matter what, it's crucial to know your goals going into these partnerships. Are you aiming for brand awareness, or is it more about user acquisition? Either way, there's a whole spectrum of influencers out there ready to work with you. And from our experience at Creators Agency, we've seen all kinds of businesses, from the smallest to the biggest, achieve solid results with influencer partnerships."
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