
How Captain uses AI to Combine Content Marketing with Sales

How Captain uses AI to Combine Content Marketing with Sales

How Captain uses AI to Combine Content Marketing with Sales
byRichard McBeathon Jul 11, 2024
Content Marketing
Booming industry of AI

Aligning content marketing with direct sales outcomes can be a tricky puzzle. How do you ensure your content engages and converts? Captain bridges this gap using AI, creating a seamless integration that benefits both your marketing and sales teams. Curious about how this works? We'll explore Captain's innovative approach, focusing on three key pillars: Create, Engage, and Identify.

With Captain you get high-quality content created automatically, engaging your audience without manual effort, and identify potential customers in real-time. From generating insight-rich content to optimizing engagement and converting visitors, Captain's tools are designed to streamline your processes and boost your results. Ready to see how it all comes together? Let's dive in.

"The gap between sales and marketing is really beginning to close, and the two need to mesh together. There's a real integration required for sales to actually close. Captain has been focused on creating that unification.” Richard McBeath, Co-founder at Captain

Create High-Quality Content, Automatically

Drive Traffic

Captain’s AI-driven platform uses performance data to create content that resonates with your audience, driving traffic to your website and social media channels. By analyzing topics and pain points relevant to your brand's audience, Captain crafts a strategy that's both insightful and effective. The strategy is then executed automatically, ensuring that your content is always fresh and engaging.

The platform's Insights engine continuously monitors performance data, allowing it to adjust and refine the content strategy week over week. This dynamic approach ensures that the content remains relevant and impactful, driving consistent traffic growth. By focusing on the topics that matter most to your audience, Captain helps you build a loyal following and increase your online visibility.

Automated Collaboration

One of the standout features of Captain is its ability to integrate expert commentary seamlessly into your content. Using audio-to-text automation, Captain repurposes expert insights and turns content into various content formats, including podcasts, videos, and optimized social media posts. Collaborations with experts not only enriches the content but also adds a layer of credibility and authority.

Collaborating with experts has never been easier. Captain allows experts to record their insights using our simple audio recording tool, which is then transcribed and automatically integrated into the content. This streamlined process ensures that the content is both high-quality and authoritative, without requiring extensive manual effort.

Campaign Types

Captain tailors content to different parts of the conversion funnel, ensuring that each piece of content serves a specific purpose. For the top of the funnel, educational content is created to attract and inform potential customers. This content is designed to address common pain points and provide valuable insights, establishing your brand as a trusted authority.

In the middle of the funnel, content such as company announcements and product updates keep your audience engaged and informed. This type of content helps to nurture leads and move them closer to making a purchase decision. At the bottom of the funnel, case studies and competitor comparisons are used to provide the final push needed to convert leads into customers.

Comprehensive Campaigns

Captain’s platform creates and publishes a suite of sales and marketing assets, ensuring that your content strategy is comprehensive and cohesive. This includes:

  1. 1. Long-form articles
  2. 2. Fully narrated podcasts
  3. 3. Engaging audiograms
  4. 4. Visually appealing infographics
  5. 5. Optimized social media posts

Each piece of content is designed to work together, creating a unified and effective content marketing strategy. By automating the creation and publication of these assets, Captain saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your business. The result is a consistent and high-quality content strategy that drives traffic, engages your audience, and converts leads into customers.

Engage Your Audience Automatically

Optimize Content

Captain’s suite of engagement tools ensures that your content is optimized for maximum impact. When an article is published on your website, these tools are automatically inserted to enhance engagement and conversion. This includes contextual calls to action (CTAs), lead magnets, narrated podcasts, audiograms, and clickable summaries.

These engagement tools are designed to keep your audience engaged and encourage them to take action. For example, a contextual CTA might prompt a reader to download a lead magnet or listen to a narrated podcast, while a clickable summary provides a quick overview of the article, making it easier for readers to digest the content.

Gain Insights

Understanding what resonates with your audience is crucial for refining your content strategy. Captain captures data on the topics and pain points that are most effective, allowing you to optimize your content week over week. This data-driven approach ensures that your content strategy is always evolving and improving.

By analyzing performance data, Captain helps you identify trends and patterns, allowing you to create content that is more likely to engage and convert your audience. This continuous feedback loop ensures that your content strategy remains relevant and effective, driving consistent results.

Identify & Convert Visitors, Automatically

Identify Visitors

One of the most powerful features of Captain is its ability to identify anonymous visitors to your website. Using advanced tracking technology, Captain captures individual profiles, including name, email, LinkedIn profile, company, title, and location. This information is then sent to your sales team in real-time (on your Dashboard and into Slack), allowing them to follow up with potential leads immediately.

This real-time identification of visitors provides your sales team with valuable insights into who is engaging with your content. By knowing exactly who is visiting your website, your sales team can tailor their outreach efforts to be more personalized and effective, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Enhance Conversions

Empowering your sales team with insights into Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs) is key to closing more deals. Captain provides detailed visitor data, allowing your sales team to understand who their potential customers are and what they are interested in. This information can be used to tailor sales pitches and follow-up efforts, making them more relevant and effective.

By leveraging visitor data, your sales team can focus their efforts on the most promising leads, increasing their chances of success. This targeted approach not only improves conversion rates but also ensures that your sales team is working more efficiently and effectively.

Wrapping It Up: The Power of Captain

Captain's AI-driven platform changes content marketing by seamlessly aligning it with direct sales outcomes. By automating the creation of high-quality content, engaging audiences effortlessly, and identifying potential customers in real-time, Captain bridges the gap between marketing and sales. This innovative approach ensures that your content strategy is always fresh, relevant, and impactful, driving traffic and conversions without manual effort.

With Captain, you're creating content while building a dynamic, data-driven strategy that evolves with your audience's needs. The platform's ability to identify and convert visitors in real-time empowers your sales team with valuable insights, making their outreach more personalized and effective. Ready to transform your content marketing and sales efforts? Get started free here >

From the Experts

Richard McBeath 🧑‍✈️ avatar
Richard McBeath 🧑‍✈️ 

Co-founder @ Captain | AI, Data

 "The gap between sales and marketing is really beginning to close, and the two need to mesh together. There's a real integration required for sales to actually close. Captain has been focused on creating that unification. Captain focuses on three core pillars: create, engage, and identify. For "create," it's all about creating content based on performance data. Captain uses performance data on topics and pain points that resonate most with the brand's audience to craft a strategy week over week. It does this automatically and then executes that strategy, creating a suite of sales and marketing assets. This includes everything from a long-form insightful article for your website, a fully narrated podcast (which can be monologue or dialogue), an audiogram (video content to be pushed out across social media), a fully branded infographic used as a lead magnet, and social posts. For "engage," Captain has created a suite of tools that, when an article is published to your website, are automatically inserted into the article to optimize it for conversion. This includes everything from contextual calls to action, the podcast to allow users to listen to a very conversational monologue or dialogue of the article, the lead magnet where the infographic is used, and a clickable summary, etc. The third pillar is "identify." This is where Captain identifies anonymous visitors and pings the sales team in real-time with the visitor's name, email, LinkedIn address, company, title, etc. Essentially, we've built out this engine that helps to create content, drive traffic back to the website, engage that traffic with engagement tools, and then identify who those visitors are so you can continue the sales process."